test lajmi

espite what Ron DeSantis likes to claim, Florida is not, in fact, the “freest” state in the nation. How do we know this for sure? Well, we’re guessing that in whatever happens to actually be the freest state in the nation, a fifth-grade teacher would not find themself under investigation for the crime of showing their students a Disney movie.

That’s right, folks: Florida teacher Jenna Barbee is under investigation by the state’s board of education for showing her students the 2022 movie Strange World, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. While Barbee says the material related to the class’s earth science curriculum—it’s about a group of people that finds a plant that becomes an energy source for their society—and that all parents had signed permission slips allowing their kids to watch it, one later complained. That parent is reportedly Shannon Rodriguez, who claimed at a recent Hernando County School Board meeting that Barbee violated school policy because she didn’t have the movie cleared by the administration. We’re also guessing, by her comments on the matter, that Rodriguez did not like that Barbee showed a movie with an openly gay character, which is obviously.

That’s right, folks: Florida teacher Jenna Barbee is under investigation by the state’s board of education for showing her students the 2022 movie Strange World, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. While Barbee says the material related to the class’s earth science curriculum—it’s about a group of people that finds a plant that becomes an energy source for their society—and that all parents had signed permission slips allowing their kids to watch it, one later complained. That parent is reportedly Shannon Rodriguez, who claimed at a recent Hernando County School Board meeting that Barbee violated school policy because she didn’t have the movie cleared by the administration. We’re also guessing, by her comments on the matter, that Rodriguez did not like that Barbee showed a movie with an openly gay character, which is obviously a no-no in Florida.